Pegasus Community Housing Trust (PCHT)
PCHT is a not for profit mixed Supported Exempt Accommodation (SEA) provider for vulnerable adults and individuals who require a high level of housing management, more so than general needs tenants. The organisation was founded following the experience of complex needs managers working with vulnerable adults and noticing an insufficient number of suitable person centered adapted accommodation.
Whilst within a PCHT service, residents are supported to enhance their independent living skills and are encouraged to engage in weekly support sessions to enable them to communicate their thoughts, concerns and to converse with the Support Workers in a counselling capacity.
PCHT is a not for profit supported housing provider founded in 2014. PCHT is made up with a structure of professionals with 25 years of experience within the housing and support sector.
At PCHT We aim to provide:
- A safe and secure place to live
- Develop domestic and social skills
- Provide a supportive and caring environment
- Promote independence
- Respect privacy, dignity, choice and fulfilment
- Encourage and develop family and friend relationships.
- Establish personal safety and security.
- Represent best value rather than price
- Improve self esteem and quality of life.
The residents within the PCHT services come from a variety of backgrounds and have often experienced various types of difficulties and traumas throughout their life. As an organisation PCHT strive to work with these individuals to support them in order to obtain the skills to help them move on from SEA. The Support Workers at PCHT have a strong working relationship with external professionals such as West Midlands Police, mental health practitioners and the probationary service. Working closely with these third parties means that support staff are able to gain professional expertise, not only to support current residents but also as a training aid to further widen their knowledge and understanding.
PCHT are committed to providing care, supervision and support and Intensive housing management depending on the needs of the tenant, this makes a difference to the individuals that reside at the services. Several residents that PCHT have supported have successfully moved on from SEA to live in independent accommodation.
If you would like further information on PCHT please get in touch via the details on the Contact Us page